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A Tour to Four Canadian Cities
Winnipeg stop is March 10, 2008
Senior aboriginal and church leaders are crossing Canada this March to promote the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) which is being set up as part of the healing process set out in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
The tour seeks to bring awareness of the TRC and its historical importance to all Canadians. The Anglican, United and Presbyterian Churches, in partnership with the Assembly of First Nations, are organizing the tour.
Other stops are Ottawa (March 2-3), Vancouver (March 5), and Saskatoon (March 9).
Join us on Monday, March 10, 2008, 7:00 p.m.
at The Forks in Market (Food) Court, 201-1 Forks Market Road
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Participating in the Remembering the Children Tour will be:
In Winnipeg they will be joined by Regional Grand Chief Ron Evans, The Assembly of Manitoba
Chiefs, and The Most Rev. James Weisgerber, Archbishop of Winnipeg, among other guests.
For General Information Call:
Peter Bush at (204)837-5706 or Sandy Belisle at (204)794-9554
Media Relations Contact: Mary-Frances Denis, Communications Officer, The United Church of Canada
416-231-7680 ext. 2016 (office), 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2016 (toll-free), 416-885-7478 (cell)